Tuesday, May 12, 2009


the pause is cused by the examination. don't blame me. haha. well. i'm literally quite free now. with semester 1 came to an end last sunday, what i could hope is to get a decent GPA an CGPA. torts and contracts were the two papers that have streched my nerves to its limit. and i really really really hope i can pass these two. GOD HELP ME! =) well. enough is enough. what i can promise to myself for now is. to WORK HARDER (and i mean it) next semester. and also to excel in whatever societies i'm in right now. period. 

now. here comes the best part of the semester. HOLIDAYS! which later would turn out to be not that enjoyable due to what i call trapped-in-boredom syndrome. nevertheless. i have few stuff that i'm really looking forward to do this holidays. first. is the preparation for LAWASIA moots. since this is my first time mooting. i really can't wait. yes Shairil. can't wait to spend the rest of my semester holidays with you! hahahaha. next. is the inductions for asasi students and also the part BLS. since most of them, the BLS freshies (cheh. baru habis part 1 dh blagak senior!) are my friends from kedah, i'm sure we will have so much fun. SO MUCH FUN. am i right seniors? *wink*  hahaha.


Ain Salleh said...

yelah abang senior?!
i dun think u'll be having that syndrome!
u have a lot going on okay...
so be thankful as i have to wait for miracle to happen!
as in not having that syndrome of urs. of coz!

khairil khalid. said...

alah. still. a week or two experiencing that syndrome proves to be damaging! haha. i miss my friends tho. haha. budak2 bilik. budak SMF. hmm.